A Note from the Author…

As a daughter of immigrants. I was familiar with the feeling of being different.  In elementary school, my mom would pack my lunch and give me leftovers from our homemade dinner the night before.  My 6-year-old self instead wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich like everyone else.  I wanted to “fit in”.  Of course, as I grew older, I realized that trying to “blend in” never makes anyone happy.  I had to be true to myself and my story.


All of us are on a path to being our most authentic selves and being at peace and I truly think that early challenges in life help us push through the inevitable ups and downs that life is going to throw at us.  There are going to be relationships that come and go, medical issues, betrayals and losses.  But there are also going to be births, weddings, great vacations, new relationships and hopefully plenty of healing.  Throughout all this, we need special supportive people to share these life moments with whether it be to cry, give us strength or simply to be joyful with.


I hope that my writing helps my readers keep a positive attitude through challenging times and to see the beauty in our differences.  When we strive to have a more loving, diverse and accepting society, we all win.


Lisette Varela

“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.”

―Maya Angelou